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Re:Sweep Daddy is right !!

Anyone who agrees with Sweep daddy, needs to spend less time under "sweep daddy's" desk and more time in the field!

>OK office BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>Quit bitchin'!!!! Everyone thinks the world owes them a living. You do not have to take the job. AT&T and the other MSOs are businesses not your mommies. Everyone has been making a LOT of money until recently, and now everyone blames the martket on them and anyone else who must restructure their pricing. Where else could you illiterate assholes make the kind of money you have been making. Judging from the posts following Sweep Daddy, it looks like you might want to go back to high school before you update your resume.
This is posting #33137. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re:Sweep Daddy is right !! by Scruftek4
There is 1 reply to this message
Re:Sweep Daddy is right !! big will 2/22/2001 4:48:00 PM