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Re: Bowlin in Lexington Ky

I know Jay. Bowlin isn't a "fly by night" group. Been around quite awhile now. They aren't going anywhere. Now not paying what is owed isn't their style either. All I can say is you may have been "told" something, but if you didn't get your pricing in writing BEFORE you started work, well, I hate to say it, but it's all on you if you didn't get paid "what you were told".
If others are involved, they best speak up and quickly. Because without any witnesses, you have no case in todays world. Sorry, but you should have gotten a price sheet BEFORE ever going to the job site. In over 27 years before retiring, I never went on a job without a pay sheet being issued and certainly would have never gone and done 5 weeks worth of work for a PRIME. Yup, I feel this is all on you Jayhova.

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Posted in reply to: Re: Bowlin in Lexington Ky by Jayhova
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Bowlin in Lexington Ky SpeedLasher 7/18/2011 9:35:52 PM
Re: Bowlin in Lexington Ky Jayhova 7/18/2011 7:30:52 PM