Re: Cable in the south....
Member #: 82051
Registered: 5/11/2011
L & E
contractor - commercial
~20 years
Well I am happy that I did not commit myself 100% to the move as I left my family behind to be sure we didn't get screwed. And I agree FL is a great place to be, but at what price. The job market is pretty poor unless your an electrician, landscaper, or want to work 12 hours to get 3-4 jobs done. I could have made more money being a waiter, grocery store person, or just about anything, without using my trucks, tools, or insurances. It is INSANE. Anyways I did do contract installs in MD under Comcast and would be pissed if I only made 150 and on some days would clear $300. That is real money. I am already out down here and like I said unless I get in-house or work for a pre/post wire low voltage company I WILL be heading back north. Not only do I MAKE money period I am able to actually have a life other than being at the shop 7 days a week as you have to turn in paper work on your day off which means 2 hours of work + gas between driving and turning the stuff in. If you don't mind me asking what do you do.....pretty interested....and trust me I am not in a position that I need chicken feed.
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