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Re: Calculating Voltage Loss

   Hey, don't get to wound up with calculations as there are a lot of variables that the math wont tell you. Like black center conductors high resistance  devices and passives, cable with higher than usual resistance due to age, short bit center conductors and stingers ....... on and on. So I'll give you A few tips.  Kill any legs that do not need voltage. Do not put power packs on 90 unless you are turning the area to 90. Sweep the system and find the stuff I mentioned that adds to the miscalculations. Turn all amps and power supplies to 90 volts except the ones that are running below 60 volts leave those on 60 volts. You need to be watching your  AC voltage at every device and always check you DC test as a 22 volt one is not helping things.  Do it in this order as turning an older system to 90 volts will most likely cause power packs to fail and iffy cable and devices to give up the ghost. If you want to Gnats ass it, up the power inserter cable to the biggest possible. This will fix it, but If after that it still has probs add a power supply.  somewhere.    
This is posting #328916. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Calculating Voltage Loss by Sweep R US
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Calculating Voltage Loss tazapfl 6/8/2011 3:28:23 PM
Re: Calculating Voltage Loss PTV-Escape 6/8/2011 4:32:01 AM