Because if that's how they advertise their "position available" and you accepted the job then that's how. All they have to do is make sure you net minimum wage and pay overtime if you work over 40 hrs even if it's piece meal work. I posted many a times years back that installations were heading in the minimal wage direction.
But here's the deal since using your own vehicle is required. Keep track of all your vehicle expenses monthly payments, oil changes, tires, washes, tolls, any work done on vehicle, insurance, registration fees, I mean everything. Then figure what percentage of use is for work (not personal) divide that remainder 52 x to get weekly expenses and subtract that amount from your gross pay before taxes and then divide whats left over by the hours you worked and make sure to account for over time if any. Now if your amount falls below minimum wage then report them to dept. of labor, div. of labor standards, or simply save yourself the trouble and seek employment elsewhere as an employee based shop without company vehicles is yer clue right there.
Re: screw you get me a van...
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