And this is the kind of deception Gary pulls. Consistently replies to ME, AROUND me. He hasn't replied to me because he knows he is a back peddling two faced fucker with his own agenda. No one is alive to testify about the constitution of the United States and the DATE(s) it was written, yet it is DOCUMENTED WITH PRECISE DATES. None of this bullshit "SOMETIME after" or "BETWEEN" a 300 year span!
And also note how Gary NEVER goes after the issue but rather turns to a different topic, claiming I have no proof when it is he who cannot back up what he says, like a magician draws everyones attention away from where the 'magic' is really happening? That is DECEIT and is PRECISELY what you copy and pasted in that bible verse. But go ahead you fucktard religious nazi terrorists, keep deceiving because the only ones deceived are yourselves.
Re: Fulfilled Prophecy
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