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Re: 5-15-11

I'm sorry...I left nothing out. Regardless of what you say, the key word (which is the most appropriate word) you use is BELIEVE/BELIEF. That my dear is called FAITH. I believe what I believe and have faith in what I believe. That faith is bonded to my very soul. This is not secretive, this is not denying who I am or what I have faith in. Unfortunately however, there are others here belonging to the RNTG whos agenda is not in the best interest of anyone other than themselves. This is Hitler/Taliban-like conduct that cannot & will not be tolerated here.

This forum was put here for not the propoganda of spreading/recruiting any one persons beliefs/agenda. It was put here as a place to go to remember our injured/fallen brethren, to ask for support and prayers for personal crisis, etc... Instead it has turned into a preaching forum that I (now ashamed) actually encouraged. But the devil has ways of trickery, making one believe he is what he is not and finally seeing the light, will now expose Satans little helper (Gary Vest) at every turn because he is hiding behind a mask just attempting to hedge his bets for when the day does come that he is covered. Nothing more and nothing less.

Religion is fine as long as it is realistic. Problems arise when one conducts themselves under the guise of religion however, and in reality it has nothing to do with religion, but rather the selfish act of ones own agenda.

Dogs aren't our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
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Posted in reply to: Re: 5-15-11 by RobMansWife
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Re: 5-15-11 TheRobMan 5/17/2011 10:34:25 AM