Re: Let the children pray (In school)
Member #: 153
Registered: 1996-2001
Gary Vest
Gary Vest
Bowlin Group
Williamsburg, OH
early 60s
~43 years
Amen, Rob. It all depends on whether they accepted, or rejected, the Gospel after having it laid on their heart. I see you too have noticed how Mark constantly contradicts himself and chases his tail. He keeps on saying he has replied to the question of why he trusts in Jesus and what information brought him to that trust, but have you ever seen it? I sure haven't, but then again that is probably because I am too stupid as he puts it. He is so predictable with his replies. You hit the nerve and you can almost count on him coming back with name calling and crazy accusations that are unfounded if you have any shred of reading comprehension. I will never stop defending the faith against heresies brought about by someone with complete secular beliefs that he tries to pass off as trust in Jesus, because everything I have seen him post goes completely against what Jesus taught and what the Bible has to say. He slams the Bible, yet says he believes, but can't seem to figure out why. One doesn't believe without something leading him to that belief, so all we have out of him is total and complete contradiction. WWJD? I believe He would do exactly what He did do, and that is share the Gospel that others may come to the saving knowledge of the plan of salvation that the Father provided for the remission of sins. That is all I do here, share the Gospel. Never said it was my way or the highway, never tried to "force" anything on anyone. Just sharing the Gospel and whatever one does with it is on them. Again, like I said before, just name calling and character assaults to hide behind so he can dodge the question that not only I, but others, have presented him, since he does contradict himself so often. That is what leaves one wondering, "what exactly does this guy believe anyway?" All he has ever shared was that he believes what the Apostles Creed says. What I asked him was "why?" since he refutes anything and everything that would lead one to that belief. Does that make sense?
Gary Vest
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Posted in reply to: Re: Let the children pray (In school) by TheRobMan
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