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Re: Hhhhhhmmmmmmm

Sure Sky let’s talk,
You asked about love, that’s just about as complex as explaining God. There are many kinds of love aren’t there? Love of a man and a women, love of a parent for a child, and child for parent, love of one’s country, self-love, the list is endless.
Then there’s what you think is love and later you realize it actually isn’t. As someone that’s on his third marriage I know a lot about that.

I think my definition is; putting someone else’s wellbeing and needs above yours, even if you don’t want to. To do this every day without reservation and not expecting anything for it. (This is something it has taken me time to learn; perhaps that explains the two previous marriages.)

What do I think about what some people desire and/seek? I think that depends on the people and their age at the time. You don’t think the same way at 20 as you do at 50. So speaking as a 50 year old I can only tell you what I desire/seek. I am seeking a happy life together with my wife, be it rich, poor, filled with difficulties or one endless vacation. As long as we face/accept it together and take the good and the bad what more can a person expect/want? Once again speaking as a 50 year old I think to many people are not ready or are to selfish to accept the difficult times. They are not willing to work through them,to take the long path. They seek a quick fix for most problems. The path of life is long and not easy, most shortcuts lead you away from it.

As far as who loves me will in this human form it is my wife and family, in the spiritual form it would have to be God.
Don’t be too shocked by that statement nowhere in any of my posts did I ever say I do not believe in God. I do believe in a higher power/God, but I also believe that there is more than one path to reach him. I feel that the bible is mainly there to reinforce the Christian churches grip on the people that follow it, much as the Torah is for the Jews and other religious writings for the 3000+ religions of the world, with no followers you have no church, no power. You can't control people without rules and laws, be it a nation or a congregation. People that believe follow these rules and laws out of faith that they will reach heaven if they do.

The bible has its good points and teaches some good lessens on how one should live their life, but it is not the only roadmap of how to reach heaven. Some of the 5 books of the Hindu faith were written 1000+ years before the Old Testament. How does anyone know God didn’t speak to them first?

I have no problems with anyone that declares their faith no matter what it is, but I will not tolerate someone trying to force their beliefs on anyone. I don’t see that here though some would disagree. I do see people defending their chosen faith and standing by their convictions. There is nothing wrong with that, too few people are willing to do that these days. Yeah the discussions get heated and sometimes a bit more, but as I said before, when discussing religion and politics everyone right and everyone is wrong it all depends on what side you’re on at the time.
As far as evolution I do believe it is how life evolved, but who can say that God did not have a hand in helping it along.

Sky I know there are many here that will not agree with anything I wrote and will pull out some bible verse that say’s their right. That’s all well and good, if as they say God gave man free will then someone cannot be faulted for following their own path can they?

Speaking for myself I am happy with my life and am not in fear of my soul not moving on to where the next level of existence is. Be it heaven, nirvana, reincarnation or just to be absorbed into some cosmic consciousness.

I don’t know if any of the ramblings above made any sense to you are anyone else but what can I say you’re asking an old cable dawg to try to explain thing that scholars have been trying to do for centuries.

If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Hhhhhhmmmmmmm by goodsky
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Hhhhhhmmmmmmm goodsky 4/29/2011 6:43:38 PM
Re: Hhhhhhmmmmmmm cabl trash 4/29/2011 11:34:05 AM