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Re: What's this? Inconsistency in the Bible?! Hmmm

That has to be one of the weakest theories I have ever read, and yes, it is a theory.
First off, I am not sure what "researchers" he speaks of that have, for a "long time" studied what appears to be a discrepancy in the Gospel accounts of the time line of the last supper. There are none listed, as there is no references to exactly what surfaced from this research, except a "theory" that they must have used different calenders. About as perposterous as the claim that science backs the "big bang" theory and evolution, which it doesn't.
Second, if you take the time to read the scriptures, it becomes obvious there is no basis for concluding there is a different time line between John's account and the remaining three.
John 13:1 says this:

"NOW before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end."

Then it shifts to describing how the devil had laid it on Judas's heart to betray Jesus, after the supper had ended.

Then it shifts back to Christ washing the feet of the disciples, then on to the supper, at which time He discloses who it is who will betray Him, as it says in verse 26 that, "Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon." This indicates they are still at supper.

Because John made a declaration that it was before the feast of passover when Jesus knew His hour was come, doesn't mean that the supper was "before" the passover. It only states that He knew that His hour had come that after the passover He would be betrayed and handed over.

There are highly educated professors all over the acadamia world that will tell you there is no God. That we evolved from pond scum, or just came into existence through a random gathering of molecules and atoms, without any evidence whatsoever, so what is the point?

What I find interesting is the fact that he doesn't refute the crucifixtion, or resurrection at all. Instead, he attempts to prove a discrepency in the Bible that doesn't exist, as a means to discredit the Bible, because after all, if one could do so, then what would Christians, or even Jews, base their faith on? Man has tried this for over 2000 years, but God's Word still stands. Jesus is the most famous person in all of history. Our calendar is based on Him. Many have tried to wipe out the Bible, the church, and God all together, but all still stand just as strong today as ever.

Mark, attempting to attack my character to fit your own agenda is very weak at best. It proves nothing and only shows you have nothing to back anything you claim, say, or promote whatsoever. Your trying to put God in a box and convince people that all is OK and all paths lead to heaven. Your sadly mistaken and really need to go back to catechism, since your claiming to be catholic, and understand exactly what they teach in regards to salvation. It most definitely does not line up with the rhetoric you sling around this forum.

Just remember, John 15:12 says, "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you."

We can agree to disagree without all the hateful unsubstantiated character attacks, and debate the issues at hand with love in our hearts. After all, just because you have went back and forth with me on this web site does not mean you know me, or I you for that matter. God knows our hearts and it is He who we are accountable to.

Gary Vest
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