Re: Survey No.2 ???
Member #: 153
Registered: 1996-2001
Gary Vest
Gary Vest
Bowlin Group
Williamsburg, OH
early 60s
~43 years
Exactly. That is one of the many reasons I couldn't embrace the Catholic doctrine any longer. It started sounding too much like the man made traditions that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for. Too much legalism that takes away from the fact that salvation is through grace by faith and not of works. Will there be Catholics in heaven? I am sure of it. The ones that accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, and I don't just mean a sinner's prayer for fire insurance. I mean the acknowledgment of their sins, true heart felt repentance, and accepting Jesus Christ into their lives. I did that as a catholic, but the problem was they believe that works have to be done as well, not to mention paying money to them to have masses said in the name of a deceased loved one to help get them out of pergatory or thinking sin can be forgiven by saying a few prayers for penance. I never really embraced the seriousness of sin, as a young man, because I figured what the heck, as long as I went to confession and did my penance, I was good to go. That is not what they teach, it just breeds that kind of thought process by thinking there is something you can do to be forgiven aside from repentance and God's mercy, love, and grace. Then there is the whole praying to Mary and other saints for intercession, as if they're ranked above anyone else. They were also flesh, and sinners in need of a savior, making them equal to each and every one of us in God's eyes. They may have done great things and God was pleased with the way they lived their lives, but we have only one mediator to God, and the Bible tells us that is Christ Jesus. It is through Him we pray. If it's not Biblical, I am not buying into it.
Gary Vest
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