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Re: Survey No.2 ???

If it was infant baptism, which is most common among catholics, yes. You had no clue what was going on and could not profess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ. I was baptized an infant, but was baptized as an adult to profess my faith. Down with the old man up with the new.

What I'd like to know is why you were baptized to begin with? You couldn't have come to know Jesus outside the Bible, but you say the Bible is just a bunch of stories and isn't true. so I am truly baffled as to how you could have come to know God, His Son, or the Holy Spirit. Ya know, the catholics hold the Bible as the inspired Word of God as well.

Have a great weekend. WinterJam is at Cincinnati Gardens tonight. Should check it out. Some great contemporary Christian bands will be worshiping in song and prayer. Ten bucks at the door. Headliner is David Crowder Band. Well, off to work. God bless and your in my prayers, my brother.
Gary Vest
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Posted in reply to: Re: Survey No.2 ??? by Splicer Life 4me
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Re: Survey No.2 ??? Splicer Life 4me 3/25/2011 12:00:32 AM