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Re: Background Check Question for Directv...

What was his crime ??? even the Bosses commit a potential crime when out in the field, taking a leak on the side of the road and some family drives by that is a class 2 felony indecent exposure, and they can be listed as a sexual predator, any person that says that they have never pissed on the side of the road is a lier, I have seen FHP pissing on the side of a road and Mr. Government you mean I can't own a Gun because I pissed on a tree.. America the land of the rules and home of everyone that steps on solid land.

But cablewifey there are ways to get it off of his record and it don't really cost much and most times you can do it yourself without a lawyer
you can have any supeior court judge in the country review your records and if he finds that you are in fact changed then he can seal your records and the only ones that can open them is by a court order.

I had a Felony Corporal Punishment charge class 2 conviction when I was 24 years old and 37 years later I hold a Florida CCW (Carry Concealed Weapon) Permit
and it was all done without a lawyer, Just kept my nose clean, became a active member of the community,

There are avenues and resourses out there for you , use them
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Posted in reply to: Re: Background Check Question for Directv... by cablewifey
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Background Check Question for Directv... yankee1 3/28/2011 10:25:35 AM
Re: Background Check Question for Directv... hatteras 3/25/2011 10:06:36 AM