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Re: im so lucky

Damn man. You really like working for nothing don't you? Cause you are going to get gigged for not having a drip loop before entering the home. No wonder you'll work for shit wages, doing shit work. Other than that it looks decent except for the ground wire going to only one splitter. And the fact you didn't swap out the split bolt. Where you in a hurry or something? Do it right or not at all is my motto. I would think in 3 hours you could have done it right...3 times! You didn't even seal one of the entry holes! Which brings to the attention of the NUMER of holes! SIX?! Really?! I would charge you back $50 just for making me go check that crap and more for actual repairs, supplies, etc...

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Posted in reply to: Re: im so lucky by 2ndchance516
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Re: im so lucky ngerner 3/23/2011 4:15:37 PM