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Re: tattoos, beards, long hair...

I agree with you, some people will judge based on the aforementioned.   But you have to consider the flip side of the coin too.

You have been hired by a company to represent them and/or their client.   While you may like the appearance you present, they have a professional reputation to uphold with their customers.   It might be okay with 9 out of 10 people, but that 1 will kill you.   On the other hand, going in looking like you just crawled out of the gutter is denegrating to both the company you represent and yourself because people WILL judge.....rightly or wrongly.   Why put yourself in that situation?   You're begging for trouble because YOU KNOW someone will yak to the company at some time.

Point is simple....don't give them anything to chew on!     As someone else said, cover the tats, tuck the hair and minimize the piercings while you're at work.   It's for your benefit, not theirs.   They won't lose their job....but they WILL bitch if they're that type of person and you might lose yours!    It really is that easy.....
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Posted in reply to: tattoos, beards, long hair... by jayayr
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