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Re: KAKU -SWM price drop???

yea me to, in this area they are hourly,, they have a unit standard that is required , but still hourly,,  most don't make but 450 to 500 a week, got a friend thats a route supervisor and he's on salary of 660 a week, says it sucks cause his phone starts ringing about 6 a.m. and doesn't stop till midnight, he got wrote up a few months back because he started turning it off about 8 p.m. and they couldn't get ahold of him, thats the reason most in-house are so pissy towards the contractor guys , cause they think we are making 3 times what they are,, but when you factor every thing and the start up cost of truck and tools and etc.. they may be better off,,,,,
Rick Terrell
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Posted in reply to: Re: KAKU -SWM price drop??? by pressureman0
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Re: KAKU -SWM price drop??? west99999 3/3/2011 10:17:27 PM