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Re: fts pay scale

Those prices suck and they know it but if people keep on doing it why change ?  MSOs know now they can get people to work for nothing now days.Thats very very smart if your an MSO to get people to do your work for free, and very very stupid for anyone to work for those prices no matter what those reasons are.When c0x took 40% of our prices in december my contractor threw in the towel.I spent 26 years in this industry and its came to this.Why ? because people will still work for their s**t prices.Until people realize venting on here does absolutely nothing for their pay check and are willing to walk just like its been mentioned a thousand times before here nothing will change in this industry period.If the contractors,employees who work for contractors all staged a national walk out and I dont mean for a day or two believe me fellow brothers they will hear your voices loud and clear without us saying a word. Just a walkout is all it takes.Can we as installers collect unemployment if your wages have been deducted by 40% I would say most likely yes.That way your protected.I know of no one who works in any field today is willing to take a 40% pay cut as of now im listening problems in wisconson their protesing seriously because their getting stripped of their monies and benefits wich most cable dawgs dont even have and their voices are being heard by america.The only people that need to hear your voices are the MSOs and they would hear loudly if all walked.Somehow some way shape or form we need come together,to organize, become structured that is the key to all advancment in business.
This is posting #322071. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: fts pay scale by 2ndchance516
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: fts pay scale Sergiopc 3/16/2011 2:55:18 PM
Re: fts pay scale lonemonkey 3/16/2011 2:02:40 PM
Re: fts pay scale stevens2866 2/23/2011 11:55:48 AM
Re: fts pay scale 2ndchance516 2/22/2011 6:11:32 PM