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Re: To all riders

 Hey no problem Goodsky glad to have you,more the merrier and its not all about politics niether its some good fellowship with some good guys and gals,we got several lady riders in our group. They rode the cages today ha ha but one went home and got her bike when so many of us showed up riding. I guess about 30 of is showed up and the congressman wanted a picture with us! We let him have one but we made it clear we dont support his policies and not to depict us in that manner,we'll see how it comes out in the press. We also agreed to go and act as security, unofficial, but after Arizona we decided in our district we would go to all public events and act as civilian security,even though the mans a liberal we certainly dont condone what happened in Arizona. His constituents voted him in and we wont have our congress people terrorized.
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Re: To all riders goodsky 1/15/2011 8:34:56 PM