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Re: Mastec Florida

What do you want, copy of our Stubs? When I do a install, I hook up phone lines or add the Broadband Deca. The problem is that the Customer does not have a home phone, they have CELL phones. This counts against me. Say I do 10 installs, 3 boxes per install, that is 30 NON RESPONDERS. The customer does not have a home phone. I get charged back EVEN THOUGH I have the customer sign off on the work order saying they dont have a phone line. That is 10.00 per paid Work Order. That is 100.00 Charge back for something completely out of my hands.

Second note. I had a guy, he had the tv on one wall, the projector on the other wall. He wanted the rec located with the projector, but did not have the 15' HDMI cord to run to the tv. I don't carry those and I don't get those. So I explained to him he would have to purchase one and until then we could use the one he had hooked to his Blu Ray Payer. He would just have to swap back and forth. He was ok with it. I leave he calls in complaining. The sales/service guy/girl told him we would bring one out. I got the RollBack. I explained to him that it's not happening unless he pays me back for the cord. He didn't like it so i told him to call back and have them send one, he said they won't do that, I told him he needed to think hard about why they won't send him one. I called my super, he said no, we don't don't offer that. I called dispatch, they canceled the work order because it was a custom 15' HDMI cord and the customer would not pay. He called back in complaining. Got another roll generated, it went to another tech. My super buys the cable, runs it out to another tech and asked the tech to drop it off. The tech asked whose job it was, he told him. So that tech said to drop the wo and he would just drop it off. I got charged the 50.00, the other tech didn't get the 30 for the call so someone somewhere collected big on that.

What proof do you need? If you want proof, call direct tv and ask for notes on the wo and see how far you get with that. Other then that, it's hard to have everything documented, then what is on the wo itself (tech notes etc..)

It's screwed up with these back charges over crap that isn't even there or shouldn't be there. This is just the direct tv world. I can't even get copies of the so called phone line Responders, they just throw these numbers out there. Whether it's the contractor I contract from or what info they send or lack of sending to him. Who knows............

It's just tech sharing their personal experiences............
This is posting #319986. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Mastec Florida by Cauachin
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