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Re: Here's part of the problem...

 I'm not sure what all the stipulations are with the broadband stimulous money. I do know we stopped looking into it when we found out they required (.gov) to be the 1st lien holder. I strongly advised against pursueing the money when I saw that,got enough of the .gov in my business right now right? I also found out if a competetor offers a 5meg or greater connection you cant qualify for the money for that area thats covered. Luckly I had just upgraded to a 4 down 1 up package just 6 mo prior so technically the phone comp doesnt qualify for the money in our area. Funny, the dept of agriculture is handling the surveys here,they require a gps co-ord of the modem too, I thought that was creepy too, but I got software that does that anyway to an extent,not especially accurate though.
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Re: Here's part of the problem... goodsky 12/17/2010 10:51:35 PM