Re: DTV's MFH2 and MFH3 work
Member #: 78662
Registered: 10/7/2010
Cable Installer
early 50s
~20 years
U guys are right. MFH2 OR MFH3 both suck. Leave it to DirecTV to screw up something that could be easy if you didn't have to second guess everything including your pay. Went to Florida from OK to work on this. It's a Joke. Be sure to ask about the non-paid training that goes along with this BS. The paperwork is an admin. nightmare. Unless u have a secretary or a great wife and u still have to train them on how to do it correctly. You also have to run a test from the ped (or IDF they call it) with your laptop on every job or u don't get paid. Even if it is raining. U have to run back and forth from the IDF to the trailer ur working on & if a storm comes in or u get hung up ur laptop gets fried. Saw it happen to a tech & no one cared. Connexions wants all the wiring in every trailer replaced. They "don't care if the cable company replaced it yesterday." You will have to chase equipment all over the state and meet other techs to get it and all the unusual drivetime they swear won't happen but does and will. Pay to store this equip & give them access so they can grab what they need (not kidding). Connexions & Wise Owl can easily confuse your pay or forget oto pay for a job or two here and there. They get you a couple weeks in so you can't quit and then when you get ur first check & it's nowhere near right. Then that takes another three weeks to fix. It's connexions and JP&D (Wise Owl) two different dispatches and plenty of time wasting musical phone procedures. Nothing is streamlined. It's totally unorganized. Good luck finding the IDF your trailer's drop runs to and good luck if the drop even works as the drops run across the street and located in an IDF behind some trailer while ur walking around the park trying to find it as everyone comes out to see what ur doing. The IDF is like a jack-in-the box when u open it. Wires all over the place. Some labled correctly, some not. Good luck! Whoever designed these systems must have been on acid & then took a couple more hits when they decided what properties to put these things in. Then comes the phone call to go cover the techs route who just quit or the customer who was forced in by some jackhole & is now bitching up a storm. So much for your "local" work. HA HA! Only their not kidding. Same do it or else tactics. It's even more fun at night. & These aren't nice properties either FYI. Seriously don't waste ur time. It sounds easy. They make it sound great but it sucks and u have to worry about getting paid. I got out before it was too late. Thank God
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Posted in reply to: Re: DTV's MFH2 and MFH3 work by timrlly
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