I figured I'd give this cabl bar a shot! thanks for drinks at the strip club!
-dan got his job back because he was supposed to blow the whistle ??
-he has 2 cry babies who work under him one is gay(does gender prefferene matter) the other is a pain in the a$$..
-90k a yr doing nothing -taking all the easy jobs and sitting at home or her
-take whatever day off he can because he is the boss
-smokes up every morn in the parking lot ( can we say drug test)
-p.s. don't wear your work shirt to a strip club
-is made to post on bar whatever his superiors tell him to him, dan and others he gave posts and screen names to me, bragging of sorts I guess
-wouldnt shut up after he knew who I was, oh dont tell Jeff of Charles id lose my job.
-kept trying to get my number and finally gave me his - what an idiot.
Sorry guys on her, Mike let me post this because he thought it was relivant to this thread, Bill seemed to have his foot in his mouth and couldnt shut it.
Since the make him post all this info on here, maybe he can defend this. Which I dont think he can. They have a no-contact order and he clearly went out of his way to slander Mike. Plus gave some inside info on whats going on. Way to go.....
Sorry u should have kept your mouth shut.
maybe other people should call him to let him know if he did a good job or not 639-0006 its hand written on a napkin.. LOL What an poor choice.