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Please help in our cause, You must vote or this wo

Please guys vote any way u can by clicking on the I like/The thumbs up link on face book,Twitter,Facebook pages where this letter is posted for all of us to view, but you must take part Please this has to do with all of us standing up for what's wright...

        Enough is Enough

This message is more so for those who subcontract as satellite technicians for Dish network
throughout the Philadelphia Tri State area.

Please Read:
This is not a joke,

For those technicians who are down wind and across the U.S., please pass this message as far as you can.

Enough is Enough !!!

We as subcontractors have had enough of this multi million dollar ind.(dish network) not having a solid structure that can represent in everyone's best interest.

This unstable structure has always been present. But never the less constant change for an improvement were always their goal.

It seems as though to most of us tech's the year 2010 became a plan by the co.(dish network) to put us sub's in a position not to in fact reap the benefits of our labor, but in question we’ve found ourselves as sub tech's paying three times the money and four times the labor that a job is actually worth. (check your pay scale tech's)

With these greater demands from us by the company's higher ups, we as technician's don't break even at the end of a work week. The DNS/ (Dish Network Standard parts). Equipment that can only be used on sight by a technician can cost a small fortune. The labor involved there after to install these higher priced DNS parts per Quas can put you in the poor house.

A 45 minute Srvc call such as a TV channel mishap caused by a customer that did not take in all of the technician's CEPI (Customer Education Presentation Instructions), You as the technician could end up spending up to 4-6 hours on sight (if your lucky). ( What does a service call pay? Check your pay scale tech's).

Trying so desperately to do the job per WO.(Work Order). You are now required to do a complete over haul of the customers system, that can be anything from a relocation of the Dish or Dishes and the switch if need be, a pole mount, which now requires you to purchase the orange cable for burial plus the trenching of the cable, or a NPRFM(Non Pen RooF Mount) which requires you to carry the mount and the six bricks to stabilize the mount up a 40ft ladder or higher climb if need be.

This type of service can end up costing you as the tech spending big money and lost time, considering if just one thing is not up to DNS codes. Not only did you spend several hours on sight, you used the expensive DNS parts that can only be used, Only to find out at the end of the pay period it became a charge back, all because that same customer called again for the same reason, and it's all because they just don't get it, you've been charged back for the whole job you've reinstalled or installed.(no pay for that completed job) Multiply that by four or more times a week, what does your paycheck look like now, pretty grim considering you’ve work you ass off and they’ve made sure (dish network) that you have paid to fix the job at no cost to them, and when you do the math they’ve profited from your hard labor once again.

Our fellow Techs, don't think for a minute ; that having a job in this economy is not a God sent. We all need and have to have work in order to survive. But upon completion of any and all jobs you expect to be paid the amount that the job is worth. Not end up paying into a job that you are almost guaranteed not be compensated for.

As we know the Winter season is fast approaching and for those techs who have been in this trade for multiple seasons know that the Winter months ahead can be the most brutal of them all. There is no technology as of yet to keep that 7/16th wrench warm in hand, just you and old man Winter making that wrench and other metal objects (required for the task at hand) a permanent fixture to your frostbitten fingers. As many of us have tried time and time again gloves are only a short term solution, in which you cannot use during an install, service, or trouble call (hint: screws, nuts, wrenches)
` Our fellow Technicians making change is always hard to do and no one ever wants to take the necessary steps or initiative to make that change. Even if you know deep down in your heart it is the right thing to do. It is a real scary thought saying to yourself, “what if I am the only one standing up for what I know to be the right thing to do?” “Most likely I will be laughed at or worse I could get fired.” “I need my job,”. You keep telling yourself over and over again.( It is no longer a job if you are not getting paid or you end up paying too much into the jobs).

Your paycheck, family and bills are all falling apart right before your eyes all because of your pride. Your pride does not pay the bills or keep the vehicle on the road to work everyday. We as Sub-Contractors have to pay our own gas, tolls, along with health benefits, insurance, repairs and purchase supplies needed in order to complete jobs. Then after all that sacrifice has been made you still have to suck it up when a customer is upset with you because Dish Network themselves messed up the work order.
We as fellow technician's are also in the same situation, you are not alone.
Stand with us so that were all heard at once. Spoken so true I can't hear you, stand with us and be heard.

Fellow technician's the time has come upon us to finally make a change, no one can help us until all of our voices is heard, we must stand united. We all need and want the same thing. (Not to have our hard earn dollar taken by company greed). We love what we do and it's time to bring all of our differences straight to their doorstep. We must let them know we are not to be used as slaves.

It is the time to form our own Union: Local 1 of 38 in order for us to be paid in all fairness what a work order is now truly worth. We must form this bond between us. We must stand as one. In order for the good changes to take place only we, side by side can make the necessary change that has been long over due.

We as Sub-Contractors have had Enough of the slave-like conditions that are put upon us as a guideline to our survival throughout a work week.

Please stand with us on Thanksgiving Day, November 25th, 2010 and the days that follow beyond that. By putting down your 7/16 wrenches and refusing to take another work order in your hand until our contracted agreement has been revised.

Like the saying goes “with change good or bad comes with a sacrifice.” When the higher-ups notice the significant drop in their numbers (that they live by). Then and only then will they open up the doors of renegotiating their terms and conditions.

We all as Techs must stand together from here to Texas as our own Union Local 1 of 38 in order for our voices to be heard. This drastic movement that we make will work in our favor, due to the downgrading of their workforce. Like many other companies the recession excluded no one in the market. If they have New Connects that are not being installed they make no money. If a customer is in need of assistance/trouble call and they have no tech to send and resolve the issue that customer is almost guaranteed to switch service providers(wouldn't you?). How about a simple service call that requires a tech to go and push a simple button, the frustration alone to a customers dissatisfaction of not having us as technicians to be there when needed the most can cost the company millions of dollars in a matter of just a few days.

This new Union Local 1 of 38 of the many who stands as one will indeed better us all as technicians. We need each other now more than ever, and you know this to be true.

Please take pride into these words for this will be the only chance we as Sub-Contractors will get to make the necessary changes for the better of us us all.

For those technicians who consider this as a career path. as means of survival should take heed to these words. Because this particular market as of now, is hints forth premeditated for so only those at the top can profit from your hard work/losses, and it will remain that way until we as they many who stands as one make them aware that “Enough is Enough” says Local 1 of 38.

In order to take the first steps out of this bondage and be heard, on November 25th 2010 while you are sitting at the dinner table across form your loved ones and friends giving thanks for having a job in this economy that you are so passionate about having, just remember some of us will not be able to afford that same meal due to the unfairness of a charge back. That someone deemed necessary, most likely the ones that are eating just fine and won't even give us a second thought on any day of the fiscal year to say thanks to all of the techs out there who has made this all possible.

We need you to vote the Local Union 1 of 38 into a position so that we can start to make better changes for all of us technicians. No need for names to be submitted at this time. Just reply with a simple 1 of 38 for Yes or Nae for No. If the 1 of 38's numbers prevail, we hope that this message reaches all of you fellow technicians in time. May a new era in the Dish Network industry be born for the better of us all. Local Union 1 of 38. WE MUST STAND TOGETHER COME NOVEMBER 25, 2010. PLEASE DO NOT ACCEPT ANOTHER WORK ORDER UNTIL POSITIVE CHANGES CAN BE MADE ON THE DOTTED LINE. LOOKING FORWARD TO YOU VOTES.
Local 1of 38 will be born with all of your blessings.
Due to the short time span and the distance this letter must travel in order to reach as many technicians that are needed to be heard we will post pone our original strike date to New Years Day, January 1st 2011. If need be to ensure all can vote.
Thank You from the Local union reps of Local 1 of 38.
This is posting #316919. Tiny Link:
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