Re: subcontracting
Member #: 56678
Registered: 1/14/2008
Michael Scantland
Michael Scantland
Web Design
~23 years
Well, when I started back in 2002, I was trained and didn't have to pay for. And I was not paid for the week of ride alongs or classroom training for learning the digi boxes and network card installations when Earthlink and AOL Broad Band cam out. So i worked and learned for free that week. My lose I guess.As the years progressed, 2004 I was trained on VOIP and since before my time in cable I did a little telco work. Back in 04 when VOIP was a big push, I trained the subs of the company and I was a sub, does that mean I was the employer of all those I trained? Funny id have almost 150 employees. We didn't pay for VOIP training then. The only fees you guys are getting charged is or the Jones tests that MSO's say we need to have back in 09. I think the company should pay for this, it wasnt required for the years we all worked prior. Cable, HSD and VOIP. The tests only cover theory not how to crawl down a attic or wrap a wire around the house. But its needed i guess to show all the cable guys can read and write. The company I worked for even started "tried too" a training company to train newbe's in 07 but that failed. Anyway you look at it, all new guys get trained, the tests are back charged over a few pay periods. The more I visit this forum I see a shift in the way thinking. Its more about taking care of the workers and workers rights. And exposing the all the wrong in the industry. Every other thread is sub or employee. Google the term misclassified contractor. You will find a lot of good information and it will shock you and make you rethink the direction your going in. Do I need a stable job of be a slave which can get hung at any time. Well since May 09 Ive been trying to cut the hang mans rope. Look in the jobs section. "Will Train" is in almost every ad. Whats that tell you. The good guys are leaving this paycut after paycut, chargeback after chargeback industry behind. Leave it new people to get screwed.
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