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Hey.  I worked for this company.  Granted I have not gotten my check yet, but was told that all my work was paid out.  Jason is not a bad guy.  He has employees that get in on what he is trying to do, and too many check writers in the pot make it hard for him to know what is going on.  A lack of communication within the company's higher ups causes a lot of problems.  However, I had no problem with Jason while I worked for him.  I just a had a problem with others promising things that were not delivered or passed on to the people who could make it happen.  Jason, in his defense, tried very hard to make good on the promises that he was not made aware of until I spoke with him about it.

He works with another guy in Nashville, Jim.  Jim is one of the most professional people I have ever met in this industry.  Jim is very calm and even spoken.  Even under a very stressful situation, Jim was the epitomy of professionalism - and that was something that I appreciated. 

So, I have been told that my work is all payable, and am just waiting on a check.  Now, the other part is this - there were situations were chargebacks equaled the check amount that someone thought they were due. 

The Nashville project is not a bad project work with this guy.  Now that all the financial decisions are going through one person, things are flowing smoothly - if you are doing your work and not pencil whipping or making mistakes. So, anyone who wants to work in the Nashville market, you can make money, and you will get paid - as everyone else working there longer than I did got paid every time, on time.
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Posted in reply to: Do NOT WORK FOR JASON LOTT by cablesob
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Re: Do NOT WORK FOR JASON LOTT cablesob 9/26/2010 9:11:19 PM