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Re: The Best Blu-ray player?

The Oppo is superb. Hard not to buy one. But no streaming means no sale. And not that I'll ever use it, but is a good resale component, is I am looking at the LG BD590 for the living room. The BD590 is upgradeable to 3D. But as I said, I doubt I'd ever use it since I doubt I'd buy a 3D TV. The added 250gb hd isn't bad either.

The Pioneer doesn't stream either. And to be clear, the Oppo & Pioneer and LG all have the same blu-ray abilities, the difference is the SDVD upconvert. Oppo wins hands down. I had an Oppo briefly, great machine. This LG is pretty damn nice too. I can stream from my computer movies, music, pictures...but I was wondering if there was a better player that streams also. We have the xbox360 and wii that does this stuff but obviously not blu-ray.

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Posted in reply to: Re: The Best Blu-ray player? by crawldaddy
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: The Best Blu-ray player? justahuman 9/23/2010 6:58:48 PM
Re: The Best Blu-ray player? crawldaddy 9/23/2010 12:16:04 AM