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Re: 3SR sweep meter abilities?

The 3SR will act as a 3ST in the headend with regards to sweep ONLY if it has the TRANSMITTER option.

Both units however will transmit a single CW carrier (frequency agile) in the "diagnostics mode" at, I believe, +40 to +45dBmV. The newer versions were capable of +50dBmV as are the present day SDA units. Do not confuse the two options. (sweep transmit vs. cw carrier transmit)

As I replied to your post about the S-A 550-MHz gear, call me on my cellular if you have any questions.

Good Luck!

Greg Tobin
Interactive Broadband Technical Services, LLC
314-422-4423 cellular

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Posted in reply to: 3SR sweep meter abilities? by CanyonMan
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Re: 3SR sweep meter abilities? CanyonMan 9/22/2010 7:57:50 PM