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The Best Blu-ray player?

I am into HD DVD. Personally I think it is the better format. But since blu-ray was the winner, and my HD DVD library has grown to its limits, my attention has turned to BDPs now. I have researched for the past couple of years on what model to get but never bought. Then I discovered the streaming capabilities of the Wii and like it alot. I noticed BDPs also have streaming available. So I decided that prices have dropped to a reasonable range and features have improved and it was time.

So I research again and find even more players w/streaming for all different prices. After all was said and done, I decided on a LG model and it turns out it is pretty highly thought of. The LG BD570 is my unit. I am quite pleased with its performance so far, though I am more pleased with the streaming (wirelessly) than the actual blu-ray disc playback. To be fair, the BDs I am watching come from Netflix. But the skipping is crazy and this on discs that appear to be pristine, flawless even. HD DVD didn't have this type of problem, at least i haven't dealt with it before like this player.

So, what is considered to be the best BDP out? One that streams as well as playing blu-rays?

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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: The Best Blu-ray player? crawldaddy 9/22/2010 4:20:11 PM
Re: The Best Blu-ray player? justahuman 9/22/2010 3:43:17 PM