I agree with you, the biggest problem with this industry (CATV) mainy cable systems who want to do INTERNET service, do not have the knowleage required or want to do it the cheapper way possible. Yes more amplifiers cost money, but if it is done right it will help keepping there customers instead of loosing them.
That what actually what happen with a customer of mine, with 750,000 sub. The president, was asking me, why go fiber on my system, I now have over 750,000 subs and a penetration of around 82 %, will going fiber bring me more customers?
My answer was "probably not, but it will help you keep the one you have". He decided to go againts my proposition "going HFC system" and not doing so, cause them to sell the system a few years after for almost nothing.
Re: What do you do to improve snr.
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