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Worst call/rule ever in NFL

The Detroit Lions got completely Fuked today. If you don't know, Calvin Johnson caught, what could only be considered by any sane person, the game winning touchdown catch in the end zone against the Chicago Bears today with only seconds left on the clock. The catch would have given the Lions a winning score of 20-19 before a point after attempt. He easily got both feet down in the end zone, then landed on his keister, all in the end zone, before getting up and letting the ball go on the ground as he got up. But what was signaled as a game winning touchdown was overruled an incomplete pass by other officials, and then allowed to stand by the "booth" .

And he did not "loose control of the ball" as the article below states. He clearly intentionally let go of the ball, just like many receivers have done, coutless times, in the end zone after a touchdown catch. I've seen it many times, as the receiver places the ball right on the ground after a completed catch. The ball in this case was moving around because of his momentum after he let it go while getting up. The catch was made with absolutely no bobbling or juggling of any kind. He had complete control of the ball.

Hey, I know the Lions have sucked for years, but they actually show some promise this year, although their secondary is very poor.

I don't even know why I should bother to watch more football, if that kind of Bull Shit is allowed to happen. I guess you have to hang on to the football upon a touchdown reception until next week now, in order to "progressively" complete your touchdown!

first video clip .. while it lasts ... not by me, but that's about how I felt too, lol!


Calvin Johnson catching the football for overruled touchdown
This is posting #313252. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Worst call/rule ever in NFL Splicer Life 4me 9/12/2010 10:47:03 PM
Re: Worst call/rule ever in NFL johnmc3 9/12/2010 10:04:34 PM
Re: Worst call/rule ever in NFL dhollen 9/12/2010 9:48:39 PM
Re: Worst call/rule ever in NFL JerseyCableGuy 9/12/2010 6:37:14 PM