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Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum

you say that but you think my post are the ones that will ruinmy rep but you seem to think that other peoples post are not going to ruin their reps.  Why not post your words to all here. Either you are not reading my post especially the one the one to cableguyswfla in which I was warning him not to challenge people to a fight on the bar or you are somewhat bias for some odd reason.  I do not think you are reading the post here or you chose to ignore the comments here by these guys.
I was the one who told toast to stop with the disrespectful post or his words would come back to haunt him.  What happened he was suspended for sending explicit emails.

I was the being called a racist and I have not called anyone here a racist name.  What happened Admin put the disclaimer and the n word connot be used or you will be suspended. Admin put that rule here becase he saw they were throwing racial slurs around and he obviously did not want his site to associated with such nonsense.

I put this post here to expose how stupid some thses guys are and what happened. They replied with so called put downs and I just defend myself.

Ahhh how does that wreck my rep unless they are reading and interpeting these post with a bias. You do not know me nor have I attacked you.  Some guys here cannot take a dissenting opinion; bottom line. Example; someone posted that Obama hosted a Ramadan dinner at the black house.  I showed them where from president Clinton to Obama have hosted these dinners so why is not to be believed when he says that he is not a muslim.  Other pres, have hosted them even BUsh. also I asked why refer to the white house as the black house now.  I even posted the article here on the bar proving tht Obama is not the first pres to do this. They did the usual replied with attacks and calling me the lowest black person and all that.  Check it out and then give me your opinion of whether I am going to mess my rep up on the bar.  Get back to on that one after you check my post. Then decide who is really wrcking their rep on the bar and if you are going to advise only me where you should advise all people on the bar. Take the rose colored glasses off guy.

P.S. If you notice after all you have said I have not replied to you in any disrespectful way.  I stated my point without using a curse word or calling you a name for stating your opinion.  All I have done is show my dissent to your post. I wait to see if you reply like these guys in this post. 
This is posting #312308. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum by cablegyswfla
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum cablegyswfla 9/4/2010 12:47:53 PM
Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum Toast 9/3/2010 10:33:13 PM