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Re: Osamas Ramadan dinner party in the Black House

I googled it and to correct you Bush 1 and 2 hosted a ramadan dinner so did you complain about the dinner before iI pointed out this fact? Did that make those presidents muslim, they say they are christian?  Why do you believe the Bush;s when they say they are christian but they hosted a ramadan dinner?

 I know it may hurt but check ya facts before you post them.  So when Bush hosted it it was still the whitehouse huh?  Why do you feel it is the blackhouse now you know the truth. You are one of the people who are mad because Obama won and hes black.  Deal with and as a good American now that hes in office support your president as i did when bush stole the election.  I didnt keep crying I just let Bush do his thing and thanked the Creator that it was his last term.  Stop hating on Obama because he black. Try to rise above that and concebtrate on the facts guy.

Correction It was Hillary Clinton in 1998 but as you see Bush hosted many with no complaints.  So as I have been saying Obama is doing what other president have done but there is s problem when Obama does it.  Is this the reason you feel it is the blackhouse and if is a blackhouse whats so bad about it or do you think the word white makes it right.  LMAO

God & Country
The Mind Behind Obama's Ramadan Dinner: George W. Bush
By Dan Gilgoff

Posted: September 1, 2009
Share ThisBy Dan Gilgoff, God & Country

Is the White House dinner tonight celebrating Ramadan and honoring the contributions of American Muslims the latest exhibit in President Obama's charm offensive toward the global Islamic community?

Sure, but it wasn't Obama's idea. Turns out that the Ramadan dinner was an innovation of George W. Bush, who hosted one every year he was in office and who also used the event to recognize the contributions of American Muslims.

Check out this Voice of America piece on Bush's final iftar, the nightly dinner at which Muslims break their Ramadan fast, in 2008:

This was the president's eighth Iftaar dinner in eight years at the White House. Mr. Bush gave thanks for the many ways that Muslim Americans enrich the lives of all Americans.

"One of the great strengths of our nation is its religious diversity. Americans practice many different faiths. We all share a belief in the right to worship freely. We reject bigotry in all its forms. And over the past eight years, my administration has been proud to work closely with Muslim Americans to promote justice and tolerance of all faiths," he said.

The president singled out some of those attending the Iftaar dinner, including those who have worked on America's space program as well as those who have made advances in health care and technology.
The biggest difference in the Bush- and Obama-era dinners is how the United States' Bush-era war on terrorism figures into them. Obama has framed his Muslim outreach largely as an effort to repair the damage to the U.S. image in the Muslim world by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Bush, by contrast, proudly invoked those wars during his final Ramadan dinner. From Voice of America:

The president said the United States has partnered with Muslims around the world to spread freedom. "We are helping the people of Iraq and Afghanistan build free societies after decades of tyranny. And during the month of reflection, we will remember all the brave Muslim Americans who wear the uniform of the United States armed forces. They represent the best of our nation. I am honored to be their Commander-in-Chief," he said.
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