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Re: Political Wisdom: Obama Backs the Ground Zero

Radical Islam

While professing unwavering faith in a transcendent deity, radical Islam is a militant, politically activist ideology whose ultimate goal is to create a worldwide community, or caliphate, of Muslim believers. Determined to achieve this new world order by any means necessary, including violence and mass murder, radical Islam is characterized by its contempt for the beliefs, practices, and symbols of other religious traditions. This intolerant creed is cited by Islamists as the philosophical justification for their terrorism.

Radical Islam’s kinship with terrorism, and its willingness to use violence as a means to its ultimate ends, is clearly spelled out in a training manual produced by the radical Islamist terror group al Qaeda, whose operatives carried out the 9/11 attacks



Question: How do you tell the difference between a peaceful Muslim and a violent Muslim?
Answer: We watch their behavior after they go to 'church'.
The Muslim holy day is Friday.
After prayers on Fridays we can watch outside the mosque.
This is how we can identify at least some violent Muslims:
As they march thru the streets, they shout "Death to America!"

If only it were that simple in most cases.
However, most violent Muslims do not advertise their plans so openly.
So we need undercover peaceful Muslims to infiltrate the gatherings of violent Muslims
in order to provide the police with enough information to arrest them
for conspiracy to commit murder or similar terrorist crimes.
It is not a crime merely to preach violence against anyone else.
Freedom of speech in most countries allows all forms of verbal behavior.
There must be at least one overt act in preparation for a crime.
This could include collecting weapons or explosives
intended to be used against the 'enemies of God'.
Mosques in which explosives are hidden are not examples of peaceful Islam.

Whenever another suicide-bomber kills himself and several others,
we wonder what was going thru his mind when he committed murder and suicide.
Because the terrorists have almost all been Muslims,
we are tempted to think that there must be something about this religion
that causes it young men to want to kill themselves
in the process of ridding the world of a few more 'infidels'.

However, as it is becoming more and more clear,
the vast majority of followers of the Muslim faith
do not approve such acts of terror.
Thus, the answer probably does not lie in discovering something about Muslim faith
that causes suicidal and murderous behavior.
Rather there must be something in the minds of these particular suicide-bombers
that causes them to give up their own lives in order to kill other people at random,
many of whom probably never gave a second thought to being for or against Muslims.



We in the Western world are much more familiar with the Christian faith.
And we know that Christianity basically promotes peace and love.
But we do have one small area of the Western world
where people have killed each other at random
because they belong to the 'wrong' brand of Christianity.
This place is Northern Ireland.

Was the Christianity of Northern Ireland based on a different Bible
than the rest of the Christians of the world follow?
No, both sides use the same Old and New Testament.
But the children raised in Northern Ireland are sent to different schools.
Their parents must choose either Protestant schools or Catholic schools.
There are no neutral or secular schools.
Thus, even if the parents are not particularly religious themselves,
they must assign their children to one of these branches of the Christian faith or the other.
And the result is a strong tribal identification with being either a Protestant or a Catholic,
even tho these are both sub-divisions of the Christian faith.

It would be a basic mistake to attempt to understand the conflict in Northern Ireland
by looking into the subtle differences in the theology of Protestants and Catholics.
Even the people who killed followers of the 'opposite' religion
could not explain why members of the other group deserved to die.

Right away, when we begin to speak of Christians in Northern Ireland killing each other,
we see that it was not really the Christian faith that created such hatred.
Rather their hatred of members of the other group is tribal rather than theological.

Also, we must immediately recognize
that only a small minority of each branch of Christianity
actually committed acts of violence against the other group.
Over a period of about 30 years, 3,000 people from both sides were killed.
The vast majority of Christians in Northern Ireland
were not watching for opportunities to avoid punishment

where they would continue to associate with other converts to peaceful Islam.

After a length of time sufficient to prove their conversion is real,
these new peaceful Muslims could be returned to their native countries,
where they would be welcomed by their families
and re-integrated into their culture of peaceful Muslims.

There will undoubtedly be some members of violent Islamic groups
who will never be converted to peaceful Muslims.
And because of this fact, they will have to remain separated
from the rest of the world for the remainder of their natural lives.
These include some of the present leaders of violent Islam,
for whom there is little hope of conversion to peaceful Islam.
But we should not give up on any individual.
Even the most hardened advocate of 'Islamic' violence
might eventually turn to some more peaceful philosophy of life.

This is a radical departure from the prisoner-of-war scenario
that followed all of the previous wars on the planet Earth.
In the past, after a war was over,
the captured enemy soldiers were returned to their native countries
without any attempt to change their minds about anything.
The war was over.
One side had won.
And the prisoners-of-war were returned to take up their places in the new peaceful order.
They had fought honorably in their national interest.
And now they can be re-integrated into the peaceful nation that was defeated in the war.

When the world is dealing with suicide-bombers,
such return to their native environment is not possible.
The culture from which they came will probably still be creating violent Muslims.
So sending them home will only create more problems for the world.

From this perspective, the British actions following July 7, 2005
are fundamentally in error.
They decided to create a list of violent Muslims living in Great Britain.
If they were foreign nationals,
they would be expelled from Britain and returned to their native countries.
If any people on the list attempted to enter the United Kingdom,
they would be excluded.
But this only exports the problem of violent Muslims to other lands,
which will not solve the problem
unless those countries have facilities and programs
that are intended to de-program the violent Muslims so returned.

At least some violent Muslims will never be converted to a peaceful ideology.
A permanent place will have to be established for them.
If the world stops creating more violent Muslims,
the maximum number of people in permanent custody
will be measured in the thousands rather than in the tens of thousands.
As we learn more about the organizations that have trained violent Muslims,
we will have a better idea of just how many such persons now exist on Earth.

We should remind ourselves that the prisons of the world now contain
millions of people who are too dangerous to release into the general public.
The number of violent Muslims permanently in penal colonies
will be only a small percentage of the total prison population of the world.

And the fact that others have converted to peaceful Islam
and been released will always be known to the 'permanent' prisoners.
They will continue to be offered the benefits of peaceful Islam.
If they do in fact change their minds against violent Islam,
they can also be released to their home countries
—after, of course, they have proven that they are no longer violent Muslims
by giving valuable information about the violent groups from which they came.
Individuals who have genuinely been changed
will be glad to help in the effort to find and convert other violent Muslims
to the main-stream, peaceful forms of Islam.


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