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Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum

 Hey mountain girl,I think it is supposed to be "Anubis" some Egyption something or other, but that wannabe can't even spell. Yea, I been busy working for "da man"  "Dynomite"  "You big Dummy". (Not you baby) just a joke, ya know. I am usually to busy to do anything else. Made it back to the house with a small company, home everynight now, unless there is a problem. Glad to see you here you again. Drop me a letter in my mail.
This is posting #310208. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum by mountaingirl67
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Re: Hey Admin can you put an annubiss forum Splicer Life 4me 8/14/2010 12:27:36 AM