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Re: Admin Why is it Ok for people to use the word

hey steve Its cool that you refer to some of your friends as n==ga but being in the black community we are trying to vhange thst for that very reason.  What id the difference between n--ga and n--er.  An "a" instead of a "er".  Now having been called that many times, I do not know the difference,  Because when a racist called me a n[[ga or n==er it meant the same,  They just pronouce them differently but they mean the same.  I objected to be call that word in any form.  I was posting to this man in a respectful way and the only thing goodsky could come back with is you "arrogant n--ga"  Well from the way he used it in the post he was not a greeting or a term of endearment which it is not.  I am older than these guys so they do not have any couth or respect.  What job can you say h==ga and they would differentiate between the two different spellings?  I objected to goodsky posting that to me because I has used no racisl slurs or even introduced race in to the post. He was trying to degrade me and I called him on it.  Then in turn a few guys on the bar called me racist for pointing it out and how he used it.  I have been called all kinds of assholes mutherfuvkers and still did not feel the need to call anyone that has said to me a raial slur, even now. He called me all the names in the book but could not change my opinion, so hw thought the best way to get me is to post those words.  I am not one tolerate playing the race card.  Then he tries to make ok by posting "whats up my n--ga" and he replied back in support.  To me thats two racist because you cant think of anything to insult a black man but to call him a n==g. Because I gave it no power he tried to call me a racist for calling him a racist.  That was a dumb comeback and stratedgy.  Some of these guys who are sheeps or followers chimed in.  I just was testing the bar to see if there would be some interesting debates to solve problems or make job contacts;  man was I wrong.  Instead all I have found are many guys do not want to solve anything but ust name call and act foolishly.  If you want to knwo what I am about check my post and see what some of these guys replied back with then decide if I am racist.  Many guys here are sheep and follow the status quo.

On the part about being backcharge, jack legs getting all the jobs (prices have been cut so much that a real cable dawg would say forget that) and background checks are a hinder on the biz.  As I have always said and know; we are not each others problem its the bloodsucking mso's.  So with what you posted post something om the lines of that and you wlll see that you will get a bunch of guys telling you to go the broadband forum or attack you putting up a real post for debate or discussion. BUt I am ready to discuss a post like that but all this other crap is just static noise to me.
This is posting #309975. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Admin Why is it Ok for people to use the word by dishdude2k
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Admin Why is it Ok for people to use the word sweatforhire 8/12/2010 1:48:44 AM