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Re: Admin Why is it Ok for people to use the word

Freakin' installers. Doesn't the rules state "...that in the Subscribed section  that anything goes, and that there may be offensive language and comments made." Those are the rules. Period. Quit being so easily offended and sensative, we don't conduct ourselves like that in the broadband forums, 'cause we are no permitted to do so. So get they hell out of our subscribed forums if you can't take the heat. For cryin' out loud, we are cabledawg lineman. Damnit.
This is posting #309700. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Admin Why is it Ok for people to use the word by SpeedLasher
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Admin Why is it Ok for people to use the word SpeedLasher 8/8/2010 11:24:58 PM