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Re: Low voltage license, certification

 I'll tell you right now,the North Carolina low voltage test is a mf'r to put it mildly. I know, I took it,twice, at a $1000 a pop and I did in the end pass the thing but its no cakewalk by no means and alot of the stuff wasnt even relevent. They had stuff in there about open wire telephone systems I shit you not and this little gem,"Whats the volecity of propigation in space?" No shit,now granted I took and obtained the unlimited version which means I can bid on unlimited scope of work but a real mf'r it was. We had a liscensed electrician fail it three times straight and I wouldnt take the damn thing again either too much damn stress. If I have to take the thing again were just not working there they can have that shit,you need to be an einstien to pass that thing. Comparatively New Mexico wasnt too bad and was relevent to the scope of work,no space bullcrap and antique technology open wire telephone crap,How often do you place a load coil? What the sam hell does that have to do with doing an install?
This is posting #309239. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Low voltage license, certification by Splicer Life 4me
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Low voltage license, certification Tom122644 8/4/2010 11:00:32 PM
Re: Low voltage license, certification llowman 8/4/2010 10:59:45 PM