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Neat Receipts

For all of you guys that are on the road you have to check this out. Its called Neat Receipts. Yeah it looks like your everyday scanner but it does so much more. You scan the receipt and it pulls the date, price, etc etc and it also files it for you. If you are like me where you write everything off and your mother then this is a neccessity. I have the normal hand scanner that I have to scan a receipt then I have to go in a label it.. It sucks ass trying to do 5-7 receipts a day. This is so much easier.. To me time is money... I think you can get it at just about any electronics retailer..

This is posting #309122. Tiny Link:
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: Neat Receipts SightandSound 8/5/2010 3:48:31 PM
Re: Neat Receipts johnmc3 8/4/2010 9:39:11 AM
Re: Neat Receipts GlobalPointData 8/4/2010 9:02:55 AM
Re: Neat Receipts kdog99 8/4/2010 8:28:30 AM
Re: Neat Receipts zwinger 8/4/2010 2:50:18 AM