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Re: Who came up with Facts?? Not anniebell

I think this is a little more balanced.

Write an essay on this topic.
Hate Groups-who they are and what they're about
Jan 25 '04 (Updated Feb 06 '04)

The Bottom Line Hate groups still exist, find out how to expose them.

It may surprise you to know (or it may not) that racists, anti-Semitics and homophobes exist in America. These groups advocate racial hatred, separatism and/supremacy of their race, religious intolerance, hatred of homosexuals, and are strongly opposed to interracial relationships and abortion. They blame others for their shortcomings in life. Unfortunately, these types of people will never go away. These groups are able to push their propaganda, free of charge today on the internet to many people at the touch of a button. Since they can use the internet, they can hide their identity since they don’t have to worry about getting social or legal embarrassment for spouting their racism or homophobia. The Southern Poverty Law Center ( lists all of these hate groups by state:

1. White hate groups: There are many white hate groups out there, with very little, fortunately, economic or political power to push their views. They always try to find a vulnerable bunch of white Americans to indoctrinate their white supremacist views onto. They convince frustrated whites that ‘the immigrants are taking your jobs’ or how white (Christians) are morally superior over blacks, Jews, immigrants and homosexuals. They list ‘black facts’ or ‘gay facts’ on their website. They try to convince you that all blacks are criminals or that all gays are pedophiles. I would say the dangerous (most) thing about them is how they try to make their view palatable. They take normal and rational views white Americans tend to hold on affirmative action or immigration and use it as a justification for following their hateful agenda. While being against affirmative action or illegal immigration does not make one a hatemonger, understand that these groups use it as an attention getter. The following groups are as follows:

a. Ku Klux Klan: We all know this group is infamous for hiding behind white sheets and burning crosses. This is the oldest and first hate/terrorist group of America. The SPLC lists its current membership at around 5000. That’s a drop in the bucket. There are less of them than the people they hate (thank god). They were against Reconstruction, European immigration around the WW1 era, and the Civil Rights Era. Their hatred has always been against blacks, Jews, Catholics, immigrants and today abortionists and homosexuals are added to their list. In the 1970s, David Duke tried to sell the Klan as an intellectual movement and simply a ‘pro white group’, even though his Klan believed in the same hatred and violence that they did in the past.

b. National Alliance: This group has a website to. They sell swastikas, and other white supremacist propaganda. National Alliance strongly believes in Hitler’s fascist racist government and claim that Jews control the media.

c. Rahowa (Racial Holy War): This group was founded by Matt Hale. He has been arrested for threatening to kill a judge. Hale thinks one can ‘morally justify’ killing blacks and Jews. Hale is dangerous, simple because he tries to look professional wearing a business suit, and a nice suit. Looking professional and not screaming racial epithets will fool people into giving credence to his views. That is what makes him more dangerous than some uneducated person who pays him money to join his organization. The three men who dragged James Bryd from their truck in Jasper Texas were said to have been members of Rahowa. This group also supports a white supremacist metal group called ‘Rahowa’ who advocate killing non-whites, gays and Jews. They don’t believe in Christianity, but instead call their white religion ‘Creativity’

d. Christian Identity: This is a white supremacist form of Christianity. They believe whites are God’s chosen people and that the last tribe of Israel was Europeans. They also advocate death for race traitors, interracial dating/marriage, homosexuality and abortion. The SPLC lists their current membership at around 30 people. They believe their will be a race war in which ‘god’ will help them wipe out Jews and non-whites. I know this is obviously not the view of mainstream Christianity. They don't represent true Christinaity anymore than Al Queda represents true Islam.

2. Black Racist Groups

Like I said earlier, racial hatred isn’t a white thing. It would be absolutely absurd (and racist too) to assume that only white males can be bigots. Racism is not limited to one group. The SPLC, even as liberal as they are, also lists black racist groups that advocate the same hatred against whites that the white supremacists advocate against blacks. These black racist groups advocate separatism and use white people (and Jews) as a scapegoat for frustrated African Americans. Most of these black hate groups were created in response to the discrimination, Jim Crow laws, and other forms of bigotry that blacks had put up with in America for hundreds of years. Although there is no excuse for being a racist, that is the reason for their racism, nonetheless.

There are few black hate groups, however, they are somewhat more dangerous than the white hate groups listed above simply because they are allowed media time and given chances to speak at college campuses. My complaint with the tolerance here is that they don’t have the same hate watch for black bigots that they do for the white supremacist groups. There are many cases where blacks attack whites simply because they are white. Black separatists typically oppose integration and racial intermarriage, and they want separate institutions -- or even a separate nation -- for blacks, just as the white hate groups do.

a. Black Panther Party: This was probably one of the most violently racist black groups. It was founded in 1966 and they sold their organization as one that promoted self-help and keeping drugs out of the black communities, but they developed the ‘don’t need whitey’s help’ attitude. On the one hand, they advocated personal responsibility, while at the same time; they espouse racial hatred and separatism. Like white hate groups, such as the KKK, they try to mainstream their racial agenda. The original Panthers combined militant Black Nationalism with Marxism and advocated black empowerment and self-defense, often through confrontation. The only difference between them and the Nation of Islam is they don’t really have a religious element to it.

b. Nation of Islam: This is a black form of Nazism. The prominent leader is Louis Farrakhan who has referred to Jews and Korean Shop owners as ‘bloodsuckers’, called the Catholic Church ‘racist crackers’ and according to the ADL, once said gay men were ‘a woman trapped in a man’s body’. He recently published a book called ‘The Secret Relationship between Jews and Blacks’ where he tries to argue that Jews were responsible for the enslavement of African Americans. And just like the white hate groups, he tries to mainstream his views and deny his hateful statements.

My complaint is not so much on black racism, but how it constantly gets justified by the Political Correctness. People respond to anti-white hatred as "Oh, well, you see, they are just upset at the the centuries of discrimination and bigotry" Yes, I understand, but isn't that dangerous to give creedence for it and excuse it? Hitler made all the justifications for what he did. The Ku Klux Klan makes reasons and tries to justify their agenda, yet no one in their right mind is going to excuse hatred from the KKK or Hitler, so why should it be any different with Black Racists?

Malcolm X joined this group and was murdered by two members from the NOI once he disagreed with their racist agenda. The boxer Muhammed Ali was an NOI member, until he, like Malcolm X, saw whites when he went to Mecca, that were helping out blacks.

The Nation of Islam believe that blacks are ‘god’s chosen people’ that whites were ‘created by a mad scientist’ and that their will be a race war in which ‘white males will be crushed by the black gods’ That is as spooky as the Christian Identity claiming that god will help them ‘wipe out blacks’. I think they are dangerous considering their access to using college lecture halls and recruiting famous black figures to their cause. If white racist groups like the KKK had the same financial or political access that the Nation of Islam does, I would be just as worried. I did a review called SCAM, in which the author goes further in-depth about the Nation of Islam:

These hate groups are like cults, drug pushers and gangs-they demand you submit without question, take your money, all the meanwhile the followers face the psychological heartaches (and possibly legal problems) for believing their agenda. In certain cases they will physically threaten your life if you leave their group. They are NOT your friends. They use feeble minded followers to push their agenda, and will attack them when they want out of the group.

Both of these groups constantly preach an ‘us versus them’ mindset and that they are constantly getting persecuted by ‘Jews’ or the ‘white man’ or ‘those immigrants’ instead of looking in the mirror and taking responsibility for their own faults and failures in life. Both black and racist groups also point the finger at Jews and blame them the reasons behind their racial strife.
The leaders of these hate groups profit off of pushing their hatred and intolerance to frustrated followers. They change their rhetoric over time, but their agenda will always be the same, no matter how slick or well reasoned they come off as. The leaders might truly believe in that stuff they preach, or just spout that stuff to get attention (and membership fees in their pocket). What is even scarier is that they try to sound slick or well educated in their rhetoric in speeches. I don’t care what race you are or what your current frustrations may be in your life; these leaders of these groups are not your friends. They will use weak minded members as scapegoats to put their hateful propaganda into actions, meanwhile the followers are the only ones who get in trouble for putting the philosophy into action. The leaders can’t get in trouble.

Well then, how can I make sure that my loved ones and friends don’t join one of these groups, you ask? The only way to not fall for their slick talk is to educate yourself, don’t let your emotions control you, treat people on an individual basis rather than by their race, sexual orientation or religion; and most importantly, convince yourself that you alone are in charge of your own destiny. That is they way to avoid not falling into their trap. As was the quote from the movie Gettysburg, “Any man who judges the individual by the group is a fool”

I would suggest watching The Believer and American History X to see the dangerous and how white racist groups work. I would also suggest reading the book ‘Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America’ by author Jesse Lee Peterson to see how Black Racist groups work and convert people. Racism from any color is evil, which is why we need to be just as critical whether they are David Duke or the Nation of Islam

They are both at fault, period.
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