Inspection: 302137567 - Sprint Florida Inc.
Inspection Information - Office: Tampa
Nr: 302137567Report ID:0420600Open Date: 11/24/1998
Sprint Florida Inc.
1311 Pine St.
Lehigh Acres, FL 33970
Union Status: Union
SIC: 4813/Telephone Communications, Except Radiotelephone
Mailing: 555 Lake Border Dr., Apopka, FL 32702
Inspection Type:Accident
Scope:PartialAdvanced Notice:N
Safety/Health:SafetyClose Conference:02/26/1999
Planning Guide:Safety-Manufacturing Close Case:05/04/1999
Related Activity:TypeIDSafetyHealth
Violation Summary
Serious Willful Repeat Other Unclass Total
Initial Violations 5
Violation Items
# ID Type Standard Issuance Abate Curr$ Init$ Fta$ Contest LastEvent
1. 01001 Serious 19100157 G02 03/26/1999 03/31/1999 $1020 $1700 $0
I - Informal Settlement
2. 01002A Serious 19100268 C 03/26/1999 04/28/1999 $1125 $1875 $0
I - Informal Settlement
3. 01002B Serious 19100268 E 03/26/1999 04/28/1999 $0 $0 $0
4. 01003 Serious 19100268 C01 03/26/1999 04/28/1999 $2700 $4500 $0
I - Informal Settlement
5. 01004 Serious 19100268 C02 03/26/1999 04/28/1999 $2700 $4500 $0
I - Informal Settlement
6. 01005 Serious 19100268 J01 II 03/26/1999 04/28/1999 $1125 $1875 $0
I - Informal Settlement
Accident Investigation Summary
Summary Nr: 202288379Event: 11/23/1998Employee In Aerial Lift Burned In Fire
A service technician was installing a telephone line. The employee parked his aerial lift, which was mounted on a 1985 Ford truck, over a section of Palmetto bushes. He entered the bucket and raised the boom to a height of about 4.6 meters so that he could install the telephone line from the utility pole to the house. The truck's exhaust pipes ignited the bushes under the truck. The employee noticed the fire and called his dispatcher, requesting help and stating that the truck had stalled out and that he could not lower the boom. He also called emergency services. The employee remained in the bucket, waiting for help to arrive. The fire marshal and two Sprint employees responded. By this time, the fire had spread to engulf the truck's cab and bucket. The rescuers tried to extinguish the fire and rescue the employee by detaching the boom's hydraulic lines to lower the bucket. Both attempts were unsuccessful. A fire engine arrived approximately 7 minutes after being dispatched, and its crew extinguished the fire and pulled the employee from the bucket. Emergency medical services performed advanced life support and transported the injured employee to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. The cause of death was smoke inhalation.
Keywords:burn, fire, aerial lift, aerial lift controls, hydraulic fluid
Degree Nature Occupation
1 302137567
Fatality Other Telephone line installers and repairers
Standard Cited:19100157 G02 Portable fire extinguishers.
Violation Items
Nr: 302137567 Citation: 01001 Issuance: 03/26/1999 ReportingID: 0420600
Viol Type:Serious NrInstances:1 Contest Date:
Abatement Date:03/31/1999 I Nr Exposed:12 Final Order:
Initial Penalty:1700.00 REC:Emphasis:
Current Penalty:1020.00 Gravity:02 Haz Category:
Penalty and Failure to Abate Event History
Type Event Date Penalty abatement Type FTA Insp
Penalty Z: Issued 03/26/1999 1700.00 03/31/1999 Serious
Penalty I: Informal Settlement 04/14/1999 1020.00 03/31/1999 Serious
Worker Killed In Aerial Truck Fire
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