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Re: He...He....He...!

anusbitch says:
you dont want me to put the belt,hooks and belt on. Yes I said hooks "oh great lineman" of the world. But you need a bucket truck because you want it easy and I have no respect for a so called lineman who doesnt climb anymore because the rep gave you so many tax breals that you have so many bucket trucks.

You make alot of assumptions about people you don't know.. You have no clue who I am or what I do for a living.. You dont know where I am or where I have been.. Nor do you know what I've done or what I can do.. You don't know anything.. Do ya???
  Yes, you said hooks, and you said belt twice... You must be one of the super linemen who can climb two poles at the same time..LOL.. I was wondering if ya could give me some pointers on how to climb..LOL..
  Ah shucks, I didnt know the reps were giving out many tax breals, I dont know what that is, but I wish I had many bucket trucks.. LOL..

Truth is, I do drive a bucket truck.. A bad ass truck that is the envy of most, not all, in the biz.. And most likely, I have climbed more poles than you will ever do.. And I still climb, so put on your fucking hooks and your two fucking belts.. You still dont impress me, ya fucking pretender.. Chances are ya wouldn't make a pimple on a linemans ass and ya probably couldn't climb yer way outta a wet paper bag.. I bet I have fallen off more poles than you have ever climbed, scooter.. You better stick to yer ladders and RG-6, junior.. Maybe some day, if ya ever grow up, someone might take ya on as a grunt, and ya can learn what ya been bragging about.. But dont sass that linedawg on the stick.. He might accidentaly drop a J-lasher on yer fucking head... LOL... LOL... LOL..... Stay away from the big dawgs, pup..LOL..

 So now I leave you with this... A closed mouth gathers no foot... And, In the immortal words of Socrates..... Go Fuck Yourself..
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Posted in reply to: Re: He...He....He...! by annubiss
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: He...He....He...! goodsky 7/27/2010 11:15:17 PM
Re: He...He....He...! oldlinedawg 7/27/2010 10:33:24 PM
Re: He...He....He...! superlinedog 7/27/2010 9:09:08 PM