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Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama

Toast, I do not mind working hard when I get paid for it which is possibly more than I would say for you. I have always had to work hard for what I have because I wasnt born with a silver spoon in my mouth.  Maybe you were and that's why you want it easy all the time. I guess if you get Obama out you will nt have yo work as hard; yea right.  Stop wanting things to be easy all the time hard work usually will pay off in some form, so dont knock hard work because that;s what had to do get the sjills I have in the cable biz because of guys like you.  So working hard is nothing new to me.

Yoiu continue to support the reps and not concentrate on making you pay better, I am well assured you will work harder that you have ever worked and you will be happy because Obama will be out of office. So I really do not think working hard is your problem it's Obama.  You will work hard if Obama's in office or if pilaging reps are in office but at least you do not have Obama in office.
You can say what you want about the hot air i talk but at least I can bring facts and you dont.  All you do is blamr Obana when he is not your main problem; The shiesty service providers and primes are. Stay on issue but your are blinded by Obama and thats what the rich elite want you to do.  They love supporters like you because you are like sheeps; followers and cant get past that Obama's in office and the rep lost.  As an independent, we did not complian this much when Bush stoke the election and these are the peole you support.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama by sweatforhire
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama Toast 7/27/2010 8:17:42 AM
Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama sweatforhire 7/27/2010 1:55:29 AM