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attention all cable techs UNIONIZE!!!

Join the I.B.E.W. and put all this crap behind you. Get better pay, benefits and better hrs.

Yes the union sounds like the answer to everyone in Tallahasse FL. at rwl comm. we filed for a petition with 85% of the techs behind this then RWL did an unlawful act and held and anti-union meeting and bought off the tech with a pair of boots and a whole lot of B.S.. Well they are inquiring again with. and this time I do not believe they will be bought off. Yes ther is a union in Florida that you can join and there attorneys will make sure all techs are treated fairly. I was fired from RWL several months ago for trying to start a union. They converted us to employee status and then treated us like contractors. talk to Aaron Van Delan with the local out of tampa!!!!   727-519-4945 the union will give you all a retirement and stand behind all of us when we are treated unfairly!!!!
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There are 3 replies to this message
Re: attention all cable techs UNIONIZE!!! KrellcomComm 7/25/2010 3:31:44 PM
Re: attention all cable techs UNIONIZE!!! ronjrcosten 7/24/2010 10:25:54 PM
Re: attention all cable techs UNIONIZE!!! SpeedLasher 7/24/2010 9:45:40 PM