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Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama

Truth be told I've made my living of dumd ass installers,
I myself started as one back in the late 80's.
But I found a niche, do what they can't, and charge a premium.
Especialy in the MDU phase of install/Rewire.

And again, Truth be told, I woke up in a bad mood this morn,
And instead of takin out on my Fam,
I vented on you,

Not that I don't think your post aren't exactly what I did today,
I stand behind what I said,
And with that said, I don't believe we're not that different,

Holly Fuck,
I;m Glad I'm an American!
This is posting #308075. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama by goodsky
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama annubiss 7/25/2010 9:21:40 AM
Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama goodsky 7/24/2010 8:10:58 PM