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Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama

annubiss Yes bush caused a lot of problems, But with a new President we look to get those problems fixed, Now with that said on a few things i do think Obama is not getting a fair shake because of the magnitude of the problems they can't be fixed in Two years, But lets look at this how is they supposed to fix anything if blaming bush is every other word ?? We know how we got here we just need to know how where going to get out this mess. I would have to say i am a Obama supporter but i don't agree with a lot of things coming from the white house. Arizona for 1 and where the hell is the jobs ?? I can go on but the thing is If bush did a lot od wasteful spending and Obama see that was not right then why spend 3 to 4 times the amount ?? He had the power to stop it. Don't get me wrong i still support Obama and i will vote for him come 2012. If we have a better choice in the matter come 2012 I will look at that then, But i will tell you Sarah Palin and here Gotcha Quotes will never get my vote, But i tell you this if Obama keeps going they way he is going then he may as well Vote for Sarah himself because he will not win
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Posted in reply to: Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama by annubiss
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama annubiss 7/25/2010 2:04:30 PM
Re: Who came up with TARP not Obama sab3r 7/22/2010 10:44:10 PM