Re: Steven Cobert Honorary member of the immigrant
Member #: 41103
Registered: 9/27/2005
Melvin Turner
indep contractor
splicer,coax/ fiber
Lawrenceville ga
~30 years
I didnt attack I was defending my point as I see I have to do. A study is being done about me also "The univ of Michigan study". So I have facts where as some people just put up posts to try to put me down lol. I would like to say "ya'll aint gonna catch the midnite rider" lol. I am an open minded person who doesnt totally trust the political system, I.E. the electorial college. Check out what that is if you dem rep or ind think your vote really matters. I suggest that you open your mind and try to see that just because your elected official say it it's true. If you believe these poltrickcians then I have some beach front property in Arizona I would like to sell you. Dont be a sheep believing all that a person says, I always check there facts. Just check out the dvd Endgame and then talk to me. The government does not run the country; the bllderburg group does. Why do people protest the G8 summit. Oh also if you think the government run the country then why do we borrow money from the fed resv. I hope you know the fed reservs is NOT part of the gov. It is privately owned, which can ve called the bilderburg group. Prove me wrong and stop attacking. I am open to different views that challenge my thinking but I will only change it if you prove me wrong. Nuff Said. OH SABRE i DO NOT MEAN TO OFFEND YOU i MUST HAVE TAKEN YOUR POST WRONG; I WILL REREAD.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Steven Cobert Honorary member of the immigrant by sab3r
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