A Tale about the origination of the Alaska King Cr
Member #: 32196
Registered: 8/3/2004
~61 years
The Origination of The Alaska King Crab
I'm sure ya'll have heard of Paul Reviere
But have you ever heard of A. Seviere?
Fortenberry was his name
A Tumbleweed born in the County of the Wise, down Texas way
Just rasin horses and kiddos until one day
Three hundred Comanche came ridin by
Now one had a woman under his arm cryin help me help me, would you please
So the Tumbleweed caught the trail of these three hundred Comanche
And he followed it for a spell
Until he got to a thicket of Mesquite
Now ya got three hundred Comanche and a thicket of Mesquite
Not a good place for a Tumbleweed
But he was a Texas Tumbleweed,
He was made out of iron and steel and packin Nitrate Fertilizer, way down deep
So the Comanche grabbed the ol Tumbleweed and decided to use him for fire
Not knowing he was a Texas Tumbleweed
Well naturally he blew up and kilt all the Comanche
But it shot the Tumbleweed way up in the air
All the way up into the atmosphere
Well he didn't come down to earth for a generation or two
But when he did he landed on a mountain top in Siberia
It was cold as cold could be
A heck of a place for a Tumbleweed
But he was a Texas Tumbleweed
Made out of iron and steel and packin Nitrate Fertilizer way down deep
So he began to roll down that hill
And by the time he got to bottom he was the biggest snowball they had ever seen
It's a darn good thing that Bering Sea was frozen that day
Because that ol Tumbleweed skidded across it faster than the eye could see
Now he ran smack dab into a fishin boat called The Northern Jaeger
He didn't blow up that day because of all the ice and snow
But he bound up and landed on the trawl deck of a fishin boat in the Bering Sea
Now that was a heck of a place for a Tumbleweed
But he heard these fishermen talk about a place called Dutch
Now that sounded like land to him
Maybe if he could make Dutch he could roll free
So the Tumbleweed stuck around for a spell
And listened to all the fishermen's tales and all their woes
Until one day the gilsun broke and the winch ran free
Now this big ol hook swung down and hit the Tumbleweed
He did one last Texas do se do doncha know
And ended up on the trawl deck more dead than alive
He looked up at the boys all dressed in orange and said
Please please don't bury me here in the Bering Sea
Where the seagulls cry and the wind blows free
But bury me back in the land of Texas
In the dirt of my father and his father's father too
But fishin was hot and they couldn't go to Dutch
So they took no heed to his dying prayer
But out of respect they put him in a narrow box just six by three
And they lowered him into the Bering Sea
When the box fell to the bottom it broke open
And the Crab began to eat on him
They begin to grow and grow until they became the biggest crab in the whole wide world
Better known as Texas King Crab
I think today they call them Alaska King Crab
But it is all because they ate a Texas Tumbleweed
Packed with Nitrate Fertilizer way down deep
Now ya'll know what Nitate Fertilizer is don't ya
It is Texas Bull S..t
This story is true except it is sprinkled with a little Nitrate.
A. Seviere Fortenberry was a distant relative of mine and was the last whiteman killed by the Comanche in Wise County Texas in the 1860's. He did track down three hundred Comanche that had captured some Texas women. He wasn't packin his Nitrate that day and was scalped and burned alive. I worked on the fishing trawler The Northern Jaeger for ten years on the Bering Sea. Where I wrote all my stories and tales about the adventures of a Tumbleweed!
This is CABL.com posting #307845. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbsfp
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