I cannot give you words of wisdom on what your next step should be if you choose to stay in this industry
All I can offer is my opinion and why I am currently making the transition from this chosen career path
I started many years ago before digital cable, internet and phone
We were able to make more money at that time then the techs who are currently working in the field can make now
Over the years, and through the natural course of progression, I was promoted to manager and then to regional positions and I watched sadly as owners and co-owners made one concession after another just to please the MSO's and keep their business's running, all the while, cutting into the profit margins and taking the loss of that profit and ultimately leaving that loss with the field technicians to deal with.
Also, the MSO's have now demanded, as part of those concessions previously mentioned, that all contracting companies, in the name of customer service, immediately and without investigation, repair and/or pay for any or all damages the sub may claim was done during the installation. Which at times, may have been done prior to the installation or by the homeowner themselves.
Yes, you can still make a living doing this type of work,but, it may only be a meager living, but there are some who will be able to still work and make some money.
I think the real issue is the the ability for long term employment and stability in this industry.
This is now long gone. When a change of command happen's at the MSO's level usually it means the contracting companies they employ are also at risk for a change.As MSO's change contracting companies more than they change their underwear.At that point, that is when the pricing usually get's "renegotiated" and that is where we are today. Asking the tech's to perform more work for less money.
Re: I've Had Enough . Fuck em
Member #: 45369
Registered: 3/31/2006
phil ramsey
Phil Ramsey
Whoever is not laying anyone off
manager,operations, regional
South East Florida
late 50s
~35 years
This is CABL.com posting #306660. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbrWi
Posted in reply to: I've Had Enough . Fuck em by GratefulMike
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