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Re: $20 for an aerial install incl. 3 video outlet

 you do realize you pay into unemployment right? at 20 bucks a new connect w/ 3 outlets  you would have to do 10 new connects a day to make a grand a week......Anyone who would work for those rates is why these companys get away with this...Pride my ass.......
This is posting #306471. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: $20 for an aerial install incl. 3 video outlet by PantherFan
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: $20 for an aerial install incl. 3 video outlet PantherFan 6/27/2010 10:55:59 PM
Re: $20 for an aerial install incl. 3 video outlet bushmaster 6/27/2010 8:34:32 AM