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questions for fiber splicers

  I am trying to get started on my own and need to figure a few things out, I would like some help from people with experience and knowledge of the game. I have several questions and if you would take the time it would be greatly appreciated for the answers.

1) insurance, how much is usually required?
2) Liability if something goes wrong with the existing splicing ie.. something goes down that should not
3) Trouble shooting ie.. what if it is on existing plant that you did not do any splicing on, should you go ahead and find the problem and fix it?
4) what is custom for per diem?
5) pricing... per splice, set up fee, lashing enclosures. Lets say some splicing will be small counts 12 but some is 144 what is the pricing?
6) what about testing or documenting, what all is normal is that considered an extra fee? if so what is normal.
7) should I have a contract that out lines liabilitys and all line items and ???

 I am sure that I am forgetting alot so any info would be great. I am trying to get some work started I am in Oklahoma. splicing is not new to me but contract splicing is I have been in house splicing for 10 years, but in house is not the same as contracting. you may PM me if you would like,

Thanks and have great day.

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There are 2 replies to this message
Re: questions for fiber splicers lazarust326 6/20/2010 1:58:17 PM
Re: questions for fiber splicers Splicer Life 4me 6/17/2010 10:24:32 PM